If you are like a lot of people in America today, you pay the bills yourself. Therefore, you are aware that gasoline prices are up, along with airline ticket prices and food prices. You might also find yourself in debt. What can you do to make more money, you may ask yourself? I wonder the same thing. I guess I will get that economic stimulus that Congress passed a few weeks ago. If it is $600, it will quickly be eaten by any of my several heavily- charged credit cards. Like the one with the $21,000 balance. Or the one with the $6,000 balance. Or the one with the $2, 700 balance. Or maybe the one with $7,100 owing, or the last big one, with $3,300 owing. So that $600 check will leave me with a balance of $20,550 if I use it for my next payment on the $21,000 card.
Why do I owe so damn much money? Well, working for myself hasn't been so easy. The mortgage crisis killed my income. I applied for a job at Starbucks a few months back, but I never heard from them after my interview. I suppose that I should get a full-time job, and only do my business part-time. Maybe. We shall see. In the meantime, it would be nice to get some money out of the clear blue. Times are tough, baby.
I will try to sell a few things on Ebay to get out of this financial quicksand.
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