I'll talk about some of my favorite stocks and why I think that they'll do well.
Google (GOOG) should do really well in the next few months, because they've got so many smart people working for them that they must be working on something so spectacular that it'll shock and awe everybody. Even more than they already have done!
Apple Computer (AAPL) is always coming out with great software for its computers- it will always just go up in value, in my opinion, just from the great software alone. They also have some pretty impressive computers and gadgets, too.
Fossil Inc. (FOSL) makes the best watches- so nice and classy. So much so, they quietly make top name-brand watches for other top fashion companies (that I cannot name now, it's been so long since I've looked at any propaganda from them). Their stock has been appreciating very nicely lately, and it's always done that since I first bought a share of this company years ago.
Netflix (NFLX) is so great- what can I say? I love me some Netflix. Being able to watch movies on your computer or on your TV is such a great thing, and being able to have a huge number of streamed movies at your disposal is awesome! It doesn't cost a lot, either, so for the budget-minded, it's great! And they're making money, too. Netflix is a major player, and they're poised to GROW!!!
Well, this is all for this edition of Stocks To Watch. I hope that you have a good day!