In my opinion, James Franco and Anne Hathaway were outstanding Oscars hosts. They were nice to look at, entertaining, funny at times, and gave it their best, in my opinion. I hate it when people say negative things about folks who are positive and give it their best. Anne Hathaway was SO funny, and she looked stunning, and she was full of energy. James Franco, while looking a little sleepy (maybe from all that studying he does), looked hot as Marilyn Monroe in his red dress- wowza- it took some balls to come out dressed like that, so I give respect to the man!
I would like to proclaim here and now that James Franco is one of my favorite Actors and people in general. Anne Hathaway is also one of my favorite Actresses and also people in general, and I realize this because they gave it their best at the Oscars, and I hope one day to meet them and tell them this personally.