Saturday, October 22, 2011

Post Office Secretly Gutted by Bush and Republicans

Yesterday I saw a commercial on CNN where it said that the United States Postal Service is making enough money, but due to a law passed in 2006, the USPS has to fund 75 years worth of pensions, even though they pensions at the post office were already fully-funded. The crazy thing is that the law makes them fund 75 years worth of pensions in 10 years- pensions for people who aren't even born yet! It makes no sense, but it is this money that is going to fund the pensions in this law that are making the Postal Service look like it is not making enough money. This law needs to be repealed. The Republicans know that the Democrats have introduced legislation to repeal the law, so they have proposed their own law to overhaul the USPS, even though it really does not need it. The Republicans ultimately want to break the Postal Union, pay lower wages, and force the USPS to sell real estate, and ultimately privatize it and not have it operate as the system we know today. Think about it- if Fed Ex or UPS buys it, less competition, right? It is amazing that the rich have convinced people to give up on pensions.

Look at this You Tube video from, which shows a debate between debate between Chuck Zlatkin, the Legislative and Political Director of the New York Metro Area Postal Union, and Gene Del Polito, President of the Association for Postal Commerce (a lobbying organization) in Washington, D.C.

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