Friday, September 25, 2009

New Public Storage Ad For Addicts

Have you ever seen that show on cable called "Hoarders"? Well, it seems to me that Public Storage's new ad no longer tries to hide the fact that the people who need Public Storage are idiots. It's for people who don't want to throw away anything. If you have to store so much stuff for the future, it's idiotic!

Their old commercial with the lady who goes into the garage and can't find the car- that commercial made it a little less obvious that she was an idiot. The new commercial calls the idiocy into the picture immediately. I guess all people can be a bit challenged when it comes to getting rid of stuff. I know that I've inherited the collector and clutter gene. However, I've seen my evil ways, and I have changed.

Well, the fact that money is so tight for me and my customers nowadays keeps me in line.

So, today's message is this- stop wasting your money on storing things you don't need. Give some of that stuff away if you have to, but get rid of it!

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