Friday, September 25, 2009

That Chantix Commercial Is Too Long!

Today I was watching "The View", and then this Chantix commercial came on. It was too long! There are many drug commercials that come on TV, both in daytime and night, but this one really brought it home just how amazingly long these things can be! It sounded like a timeshare sales commmercial to me, with the pretty music and the announcer with the nice voice, who explained EVERYTHING to you. You sat there watching this old man talk occasionally about his smoking, and then he's in the background with this older woman while the voiceover announcer tells you all these things, some of which are pretty funny. When they talk about how the drug can give you strange nightmares, for example. The pretty music kept my attention, though- we didnt' change the channel. It was so amusing. And too long!

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